Justitiële verkenningen


Vijf jaar Aanpak Top600: waar staan we nu?

Trefwoorden Amsterdam, Top600 criminals, high-impact crimes, integral approach, individual programs
Auteurs Mr. S. van Grinsven en Drs. A. Verwest

Mr. S. van Grinsven
Mr. Sanneke van Grinsven is jurist en als projectleider aanpak Top600 werkzaam bij het regionale Actiecentrum Veiligheid en Zorg, dat is ondergebracht bij de gemeente Amsterdam.

Drs. A. Verwest
Drs. Aniek Verwest is criminoloog en werkzaam bij onderzoek- en adviesbureau DSP-groep en als extern adviseur betrokken bij het Actiecentrum Veiligheid en Zorg.
  • Samenvatting

      More than forty organizations in security, healthcare and social services work together in the ‘Top600 Project’, aimed at those committing ‘high-impact crimes’. The goal is to improve safety in and around Amsterdam by achieving a permanent change in the behavior of these perpetrators. This includes both a reduction in recidivism of high-impact crimes and an increase in their self-reliance in order to decrease their reliance on crime. To achieve this, special case managers strive to get a clear perspective on the (often complex) lives of these Top600 persons. These managers (‘regisseurs’) can connect to all the organizations concerned and ensure that their efforts are coordinated, aligned and mutually strengthening. The project includes preventing the Top600 persons’ (younger) brothers and sisters from following their siblings on a path of crime. It works through a collective focus and a tailor-made approach for each person, by exercising control on three levels (administrative, civil, and case level), by central monitoring of the results and - from there - by resolving structural flaws in the system.

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