Justitiële verkenningen


Lessen uit de aanpak van jeugdgroepen

Trefwoorden juvenile crime, focussed policing, youth groups, group dynamic processes, integral approach
Auteurs Dr. H. Ferwerda en Drs. T. van Ham

Dr. H. Ferwerda
Dr. Henk Ferwerda is directeur van Bureau Beke in Arnhem.

Drs. T. van Ham
Drs. Tom van Ham is als onderzoeker verbonden aan Bureau Beke in Arnhem.
  • Samenvatting

      Attention for youth group crime is important, because the majority of juvenile crime is committed in groups or is the result of group dynamic processes. The police makes an inventory of youth groups with the help of an instrument (called ‘the shortlist’). In the Netherlands this has contributed to an integral approach on the group, domain and individual level. Although there are some side effects, findings suggest that this approach is effective. This fact, together with other developments in juvenile crime, has led to the further development of the shortlist instrument. Its basis, i.e. applying focus and an integral analysis of a youth group as a starting point for an integral approach, is herein maintained.

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