Justitiële verkenningen


Verdampende jeugdcriminaliteit

Verklaringen van de internationale daling

Trefwoorden youth crime, crime decline, technology, crime prevention, police registration
Auteurs Drs. A.C. Berghuis en J. de Waard

Drs. A.C. Berghuis
Drs. Bert Berghuis was voorheen raadadviseur op het terrein van rechtshandhaving bij het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.

J. de Waard
Jaap de Waard is als senior beleidsmedewerker verbonden aan het ministerie van Veiligheid en Justitie.
  • Samenvatting

      Registered youth crime figures in the Netherlands show a spectacular downward trend from 2007 (minus 60%). In this article the authors show that this trend can be observed in a lot of other countries. They argue that a number of international developments has created a climate favorable for juvenile crime reduction: more (situational) crime prevention, less use of alcohol, more commitment to schooling, more satisfaction with living conditions, and changing activity patterns during leisure time. For the Netherlands this coincides with a diminished willingness of the Dutch police to follow up on suspicions that a youngster has committed a minor offense. The authors discuss the worldwide dissemination of smartphones and online games that started in 2006/2007, as well as the subsequent changes in the use of free time, which might have contributed to juvenile crime reduction.

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