Justitiële verkenningen


Naar een succesformule voor empirisch-juridisch onderzoek

Trefwoorden empirical legal research, Relevance of ELR, United States, legal community, education
Auteurs Prof. mr. dr. G. van Dijck

Prof. mr. dr. G. van Dijck
Prof. mr. dr. Gijs van Dijck is hoogleraar Privaatrecht aan Maastricht University.
  • Samenvatting

      How to make empirical legal research successful? This article seeks to find an answer. It does so by building on experiences in the US with empirical legal research. Three themes are identified that should be considered when thinking about advancing empirical legal research in the Netherlands, and possibly in other countries. First, empirical legal research should address topics that the legal community can relate to and that are considered relevant. Second, empirical legal research should educate the legal community about the possibilities and pitfalls of empirical legal research in addition to conducting empirical legal research. Third, legal scholars should be educated in conducting empirical legal research. The combination of these three elements is likely to determine empirical legal research’s success.

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