Justitiële verkenningen


Analysemethoden en technieken voor criminologisch onderzoek

Oude trends en nieuwe ontwikkelingen

Trefwoorden Qualitative research, Criminology, Multivariate analytical methods, Size and causes of crime, Mixed methods
Auteurs Prof. dr. mr. C.C.J.H. Bijleveld

Prof. dr. mr. C.C.J.H. Bijleveld
Prof. dr. mr. Catrien Bijleveld is directeur van het Nederlands Studiecentrum Criminaliteit en Rechtshandhaving (NSCR) en hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes the developments in the use of analytical methods and technics for criminological research in the Netherlands since the beginning of the eighties. The author focuses on quantitative research methods. While classical multivariate technics like (M)AN(C)OVA, canonic correlation analysis and LISREL were dominant until the beginning of the new century, new multivariate analytical methods appeared from 2005 onwards. Especially the analysis of life course trajectories of criminal offenders caught on. The author also discusses various methods to measure the size of crime, like randomized response and capture-recapture, as well as methods identifying the causes of crime. In this latter field the use of fixed-effects methods and the propensity score matching technic has expanded considerably in the last couple of years. When it comes to explaining why people commit crime, quantitative methods do not suffice. The author argues that thorough quantitative methods can reveal the context in which criminal acts occur. The wider use of so-called mixed methods (quantitative as well as qualitative) could contribute to a deeper understanding of crime and stimulate theoretical development. In doing so these methods contribute considerably to understanding why people commit crime.

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