Justitiële verkenningen


De liefjes van prostituees: pooiers of partners?

Trefwoorden prostitution, anti-trafficking, sex work, human trafficking, abusive relationships
Auteurs Drs. M. Verhoeven en Dr. B. van Gestel

Drs. M. Verhoeven
Drs. Maite Verhoeven is als wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan het WODC.

Dr. B. van Gestel
Dr. Barbra van Gestel is als wetenschappelijk medewerker verbonden aan het WODC.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article we show what relationships may exist between sex workers and their partners. These relationships are diverse and sometimes complex by the presence of both intimacy and intimidation or violence. From the women’s perspective these relationships are not primarily defined as ‘violent’ and ‘involuntary’, they also provide them love, protection and security. From a governments perspective with a focus on human trafficking and exploitation of sex workers, these relationships are quickly mistrusted. In the latest measures to prevent exploitation, all sex workers are questioned about their relationships. Although this may be important for the identification of potential exploitation, in practice the opposite happens: women keep silent about their relationships towards government officials. In other words, an increasing focus on combating exploitation may enforce the stigma on relationships of sex workers.

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