Justitiële verkenningen


Naar een Europese aanpak van voedselfraude

Trefwoorden food fraud, European Parliament, EP Resolution on food fraud, crisis in the food chain, horse meat
Auteurs J.A. van den Akker en E.M.R. de Lange

J.A. van den Akker
Mr. Joost van den Akker, MA is beleidsmedewerker Europees Parlement voor de fractie van de Europese Volkspartij (EVP).

E.M.R. de Lange
Esther de Lange, MA is lid van het Europees Parlement. Zij maakt namens het CDA deel uit van de fractie van de Europese Volkspartij (EVP).
  • Samenvatting

      Have recent food fraud cases, combined with a lack of priority and regulatory framework for combating food fraud and increased involvement of organized crime, caused a crisis of the European food chain? To what extent does this necessitate a European response? This article argues that the crisis in consumer confidence caused by cross-border fraud must be urgently addressed at national and EU level and that combating food fraud should be a priority next to the enforcement of food safety rules. Necessary changes of EU rules applicable to the sector and its controls should be made through the EU decision-making process. The European Parliament recommends an approach that should define food fraud to enable the development of EU policy, facilitate cross-border cooperation and information-sharing between member states and encourage sector initiatives, whereas its enforcement should focus on altering the type of controls by public authorities and installing tougher penalties.

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