Justitiële verkenningen


Kwetsbaarheid voor voedselfraude in de vleessector

Trefwoorden food fraud, meat sector, melamine scandal, adulterants, food analysing techniques
Auteurs S. van Ruth en W. Huisman

S. van Ruth
Prof. dr. ir. Saskia van Ruth is als hoogleraar Voedselauthenticiteit verbonden aan de Food Quality and Design Group en het Rikilt – Instituut voor Voedselveiligheid van de Universiteit Wageningen.

W. Huisman
Prof. dr. mr. Wim Huisman is hoogleraar Criminologie aan de Faculteit Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Vrije Universiteit te Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      Food fraud is as old as mankind but has advanced in the last decades. Fraud regarding the gross composition of food has progressed in the direction of the addition of unconventional adulterants. Furthermore, consumers are more and more interested in how and where their foods are produced and pay price premiums for organic foods, fair trade, animal welfare considering, and sustainable food products. Since these products are very similar to their conventional counterparts in terms of composition, they provide an additional challenge. The knowledge regarding occurrence, type of meat fraud, causes and damage caused to the sector is limited. There is a need for extensive identification of the vulnerabilities and criminogenic factors. These insights offer leads for detection and prevention. The article deals with a first step into the inventory of these vulnerabilities and factors affecting meat fraud, by assessing fraud risks related to products, companies and the meat supply chain.

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