Justitiële verkenningen


De technologie van toegang tot het recht

Trefwoorden dispute resolution technology, acces to justice, ODR, justice innovation, e-Justice
Auteurs J.H. Verdonschot

J.H. Verdonschot
Mr. dr. Jin Ho Verdonschot is werkzaam als dispute resolution technology advisor bij HiiL Innovating Justice.
  • Samenvatting

      Current trends in the delivery of legal services create the opportunity to develop a new generation of access to justice platforms. On the basis of two examples, the author illustrates how this can work. M-Sheria is a technology-based access to justice service that serves the poor in Kenya. It combines state of the art information technology (USSD, SMS, internet) and human technology (community paralegals and pro bono advocates) to help slum dwellers solve their legal problems. Rechtwijzer 2.0 is an internet-based platform that provides online human and technology-facilitated support to people with a legal problem in the Netherlands. These examples show how processes and professionals can be innovated to facilitate dispute resolution in delivering information and interventions just in time.

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