Justitiële verkenningen


De toegang tot de rechter in een moderne rechtsstaat

IJkpunten voor een concrete vormgeving

Trefwoorden access to justice, rule of law, ADR, law enforcement, checks and balances
Auteurs G. Corstens en R. Kuiper

G. Corstens
Mr. dr. Geert Corstens is president van de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden.

R. Kuiper
Mr. Reindert Kuiper is gerechtsauditeur bij de Hoge Raad der Nederlanden.
  • Samenvatting

      As a core element of the ‘rechtsstaat’ (a country under the rule of law) the importance of the principle of access to justice is widely agreed upon. Nevertheless it is complicated to reach an agreement on subjects that are pivotal to the implementation of this principle in practice. The needs of society change over time and the factors that influence the concrete accessibility are many (costs, length, complexity of procedures, etc.). Furthermore, as a result of the coming into being of ADR and new forms of law enforcement the use of the civil and criminal trial has declined. To evaluate the current state of access to justice against the backdrop of these factors and developments the central question should be whether the judge is still able to fulfil his function in a rechtsstaat of providing legal protection, whilst functioning as a counterbalance to the executive and law-making powers of the state.

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