Justitiële verkenningen


Van stoornis naar neurocognitie in de behandeling van tbs-patiënten

Trefwoorden disordered offenders, neurocognition, DSM-V, risk taxation, Good Lives Model
Auteurs K. von Borries, E. Bulten en Th. Rinne

K. von Borries
Drs. Katinka von Borries is verbonden aan de Pompestichting in Nijmegen.

E. Bulten
Dr. Erik Bulten is verbonden aan de Pompestichting in Nijmegen.

Th. Rinne
Dr. Thomas Rinne is werkzaam bij het Pieter Baan Centrum van het Nederlands Instituut voor Forensische Psychiatrie in Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Psychology, psychiatry, criminology and sociology provide scientific knowledge for the forensic psychiatry about disorders, the behaviour of offenders, offenses and the influence of the environment. In recent decades the What Works principles (risk, need, responsivity) became theoretical cornerstones of forensic psychiatry. However, additional theories have gained popularity: models addressing protective factors and the well-being of the delinquent. As in general psychiatry neurobiological research about the relationship between the brain and behaviour is influencing forensic psychiatry more and more. The translation of these results into regular assessment and treatment seems a matter of time. The development of a comprehensive neuropsychological test battery is an attempt to bridge the gap between this basic neurobiological-neurocognitive research and forensic psychiatric practice. This article describes the influence of the neurocognitive, neuropsychological knowledge in general and in particular the construction of this battery and its usefulness in daily practice. Whether this development is the beginning of a fundamental paradigm shift or an addition to the current approach, remains to be seen.

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