Justitiële verkenningen


Frontlijnwerken in de grote stad

Trefwoorden frontline social work, Rotterdam, crisis situations, tailor-made approach, protection of the less-privileged
Auteurs B. Rombout

B. Rombout
Barend Rombout is hoofd van Bureau Frontlijn in Rotterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article focuses on the activities and working methods of the Rotterdam social aid agency Bureau Frontlijn. It is based on the personal views and experiences of the author, Bureau Frontlijn director Barend Rombout, a former policeman who switched to social work in the disadvantaged districts more than ten years ago. The teaching of skills, coaching and training are key concepts in the work of Bureau Frontlijn. Many people suffering from a crisis because of unemployment, divorce, homelessness or early pregnancy are not adequately helped by state institutions, but instead get entangled in all kinds of bureaucratic procedures. What is needed in social aid is a more comprehensive and tailor-made approach. Even though individual responsibility is important, society has a moral obligation to protect the less privileged, because many of them have been in a disadvantaged situation since their birth or even earlier.

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