Justitiële verkenningen


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Een laatste handdruk pro Justitia

Trefwoorden forensic psychiatry, forensic psychiatric hospital, forensic psychiatric patients, risk management, work motivation
Auteurs E.J.P. Brand

E.J.P. Brand
Dr. Ed Brand (1955), psycholoog, werkte vanaf 1982 achtereenvolgens in de CAD-Alcoholkliniek in Haarlem (de huidige Brijderstichting), in het Penitentiair Selectie Centrum in Den Haag, in de FOBA (nu: PPC) in Amsterdam en als hoofd behandeling in de Oostvaarderskliniek (tbs) in Amsterdam (nu in Almere); daarnaast was hij consulent bij de Reclassering Den Haag en Leiden en lid van de Commissie van Toezicht van de justitiële jeugdinrichting Amsterbaken in Amsterdam. Hij promoveerde in 2001 op Het persoonlijkheidsonderzoek in het strafrecht (Deventer: Gouda Quint). Sinds 2009 werkt hij in Gezondheidscentrum Nieuwerkerk aan den IJssel en in een psychiatrische polikliniek bij Mentrum/Arkin, de overkoepelende GGZ-instelling in Amsterdam. Correspondentieadres: ejp.brand@telfort.nl.
  • Samenvatting

      Having a job is an all day reality, having a job in a prison or a forensic psychiatric hospital is not. Dealing on a daily basis with disturbed people who have committed a severe crime requires a highly professional attitude. For the professional working in this field, individual thoughts and feelings (of disgust of the criminal and his crime for example, so common amongst the public) are not an option, while at the same time the given means for doing the work are highly dependent on public opinion as expressed by the media and political spokesmen. Ed Brand, forensic psychologist for more than thirty years, describes the change in risk management which took place in those years on the social and political level in the treatment of psychiatric disturbed offenders. In his account he also refers to the changes in his personal life before he stopped his work in state prisons and forensic psychiatric hospitals.

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