Justitiële verkenningen


De wisselwerking tussen het beroep en de persoon van rechter

Trefwoorden judgeship, decision-making, truth finding, tunnel vision, collegial relations
Auteurs J.G. Tielenius Kruythoff

J.G. Tielenius Kruythoff
Mr. Jaap Tielenius Kruythoff is gepensioneerd rechter.
  • Samenvatting

      In this article former judge Jaap Tielenius Kruythoff tries to answer the question how being a judge influenced his personality and vice versa. Decision-making is both a rational and emotional process. Judges are susceptible for being manipulated by litigants and colleagues as well as acknowledgements from others. The author stresses the importance of having the possibility to express doubts in the course of the decision-making process between judges. Trying to erase doubts – for instance when one judge is dominating discussions in the judge’s chambers – interferes in finding the real truth in a case. Also, colleagues can help creating awareness of tunnel vision. According to the author there is no such a thing as a general sense of just punishment. Discussions about reasonable punishments are influenced by previous decisions. Being a judge gave the author a lot of fulfilment in his work and a higher social status.

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