Justitiële verkenningen


Boekrecensie: leven na een levenslange gevangenisstraf

Trefwoorden life imprisonment England, mandatory life sentence, discretionary life sentence, reintegration, desistance
Auteurs E.F.J.C. van Ginneken

E.F.J.C. van Ginneken
Esther van Ginneken, MPhil in Criminology, is als PhD candidate verbonden aan het Prisons Research Centre van de University of Cambridge.
  • Samenvatting

      While a life sentence means life in prison in the Netherlands, prisoners serving a life sentence (‘lifers’) in England and Wales are eligible for conditional release (upon discretion of the parole board) after serving a minimum term. Life after life imprisonment by Catherine Appleton (2010) provides a detailed insight into the post-release experiences of 138 lifers and the supervision of this group by the probation service. Appleton has collected data from files and by interviewing 113 probation officers and 37 lifers, including 9 who were back in prison. Qualitative analysis revealed that self-efficacy and normality (e.g. a stable job and family life) are important in the process of desistance and that the probation service plays a valued supportive role. Statistical analysis further showed that alcohol abuse, sex offending, a history of sexual abuse and a poor relationship with one’s probation officer are significant predictors of return to prison.

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