Justitiële verkenningen


Perspectief voor levenslanggestraften?

Trefwoorden life imprisonment the Netherlands, High Court jurisprudence, parole procedures, reducing life sentences, judicial verdict
Auteurs T. de Bont en S. Meijer

T. de Bont
Mr. Tim de Bont is als advocaat werkzaam bij Cleerdin & Hamer Advocaten.

S. Meijer
Mr. dr. Sonja Meijer is universitair docent straf(proces)recht aan de Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      This article focuses on the ‘de iure’ and ‘de facto’ possibilities in Dutch penal law to reduce a life sentence. The question is whether the current legal framework offers sufficient perspective to life prisoners as required by the European Court of Human Rights. It also addresses the disadvantages of the current procedures. The authors argue that it is desirable that a legal possibility for release on probation of life prisoners is introduced in the Netherlands. They will set out a bill written by the NGO ‘Forum Levenslang’ that would make this possible.

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