Justitiële verkenningen


Het aanzien van de Staat

Over de praktijk van tenuitvoerlegging van de levenslange straf

Trefwoorden life imprisonment the Netherlands, effects of life imprisonment, reintegration, pardon policy, pardon cases
Auteurs W.F. van Hattum

W.F. van Hattum
Mr. dr. Wiene van Hattum is universitair docent bij de Vakgroep Strafrecht en Criminologie van de Rijksuniversiteit Groningen en voorzitter van het in 2008 opgerichte Forum Levenslang.
  • Samenvatting

      In 1870 in the Netherlands the death penalty was replaced by the sanction nearest to that effect: lifelong imprisonment. For the government though this penalty was acceptable only in connection with the possibility of mercy. The sanction was to be executed humanely and should not result in torture. The way the sanction was executed since, the administration developed a policy of mercy taking into account the devastating effects of the sanction. This policy resulted in mental care for the convicted and his release after approximately twenty years imprisonment. More than hundred years later, about 2004, the policy of mercy changed. Since then, according to the responsible ministers, life imprisonment should end by the onset of death. In this article the practice under the old and the new policy is illustrated by a case study. The conclusion is that like the death penalty lifelong imprisonment corrodes the prestige of the State.

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