Justitiële verkenningen


Het advies van de rechter in de gratieprocedure levenslanggestraften

Trefwoorden life imprisonment the Netherlands, history of life imprisonment, pardon procedure, judicial advisement, pardon cases
Auteurs D.J.G.J. Cornelissen

D.J.G.J. Cornelissen
Mr. Daan Cornelissen is senior secretaris bij het Ressortsparket, vestiging Arnhem-Leeuwarden, locatie Leeuwarden.
  • Samenvatting

      This article provides an overview of the development of the prerogative of mercy. From the outset, the king (now: the Crown) is empowered with this prerogative and the judiciary is appointed as an advisory institution. The author focused on this judicial advisement in the procedure of pardon. First the different competent advisory courts are outlined. Initially, the highest court of justice was the only competent advisory body. For practical reasons the task was eventually shifted to the judge who imposed the sentence. Secondly, the impact and meaning of the advice are valued by researching sixteen pardon cases. In approximately half of the cases the judicial advisement was acknowledged by the Crown. In six of the sixteen studied pardon cases the Crown deviated from the judicial advisement in favour of the convict. According to the author, these deviations are in line with the policy of pardon of the last century.

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