Justitiële verkenningen


Levenslange gevangenisstraf: uitlevering en overlevering aan Nederland

Trefwoorden life imprisonment the Netherlands, extradition, surrender, human rights, European Court of Human Rights
Auteurs V.H. Glerum

V.H. Glerum
Mr. dr. Vincent Glerum is senior juridisch medewerker van de Internationale Rechtshulpkamer van de Rechtbank Amsterdam.
  • Samenvatting

      In principle a Dutch life sentence is served in full. ‘Lifers’ can benefit from executive clemency. However, over the last 26 years clemency has been applied so sparingly as to call into question whether clemency for ‘lifers’ is a real possibility at all. Recently the European Court of Human Rights has refined its case-law on the compatibility of life sentences with Art. 3 ECHR, in the national context as well as in the context of extradition. This contribution discusses whether under Article 3 ECHR the Dutch practice of executing life sentences in full acts as a bar to extradition or surrender of a person who faces the imposition and/or execution of a life sentence in the Netherlands.

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