Justitiële verkenningen


Particuliere beveiligers als publieke handhavers

De inzet van private boa’s door gemeenten

Trefwoorden private security officers, public surveillance, public private partnership, local government, police work
Auteurs J. Terpstra

J. Terpstra
Prof. dr. ir. Jan Terpstra is als hoogleraar Criminologie verbonden aan de Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen.
  • Samenvatting

      Dutch local governments increasingly decide to contract private security officers for surveillance and enforcement tasks in the public space. This article presents an analysis of the daily work of these private security officers. Local governments contract these private workers because they are faced with problems of social disorder and crime. Although the police should formally manage the work of these private security workers, in practice this task is hardly realized. These private workers are faced with four problems: their work is boring, they are uncertain about what they are expected to do, don’t know exactly what their formal powers are, and are unsatisfied about their lack of means for self-defence. Although they don’t differ in their work style from their public colleagues, their position as private worker and the flexible job they have, are hard to reconcile with what they are expected to do (like reassuring citizens).

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