Justitiële verkenningen


Uitwisseling van opsporingsinformatie

Over technische en vooral organisatorische knelpunten binnen de politie

Trefwoorden police and ICT, criminal investigation, information management, police culture, police organisation
Auteurs J. Kort

J. Kort
Jelle Kort MSc is als junior onderzoeker verbonden aan het Criminologisch Instituut van de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen (Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid).
  • Samenvatting

      Crime suspects followed by the police move well across various police regions and national borders. As a result, police forces independently collect information on the same people. It is essential that whenever possible, accurate information is shared between various police forces and e.g. investigation teams. Developments in the field of ICTs have opened many possibilities for this, long ago. However, information exchange hardly improved. In this article it is argued that apart from the quality of existing ICT-applications, there are also organisational problems creating obstacles for information sharing. The article starts with a brief history of intelligence-led policing in the Netherlands, followed by an overview of the obstacles for information sharing within the Dutch police. It concludes with similarities between police reforms based on new ICTs in the Netherlands and the USA.

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