Justitiële verkenningen


Hoog betrouwbaar organiseren in het OM

Beelden uit parketten

Trefwoorden Public Prosecutor’s Office, high reliability organization (HRO), HRO principles, professional culture, error prevention
Auteurs H. de Bruine, H. Fijn en P. de Beer

H. de Bruine
Drs. Herman de Bruine is als docent en onderzoeker verbonden aan de Haagse Hogeschool. Van 1986 tot 2008 was hij in verschillende functies werkzaam bij de Dienst Justitiële Inrichtingen.

H. Fijn
Mr. Herman Fijn, MC is zelfstandig organisatieadviseur. Van 1998 tot 2010 was hij als adviseur werkzaam bij Prisma, het interne organisatieadviesbureau van de rechtspraak en het Openbaar Ministerie.

P. de Beer
Mr. drs. Peter de Beer, MPA is strafrechter bij de Rechtbank Utrecht. Van 1994 tot 2010 was hij officier van justitie. In 2010 en 2011 was hij als adviseur werkzaam bij Prisma.
  • Samenvatting

      This article deals with possibilities for the Public Prosecutor’s Office in the Netherlands to learn from high reliability organizations (HROs). The authors draw a picture on the basis of information, gathered between 2008 and 2010. While dealing with mistakes or faults much emphasis is often laid upon a professional attitude, written handbooks and discipline as essential conditions. The experience with HROs shows that at the same time mental processes are needed for fast detection and containment of developing problems. These mental processes, heaped together as ‘collective mindfulness’, refer to the picking up of weak signals and the resilient reacting upon incidents. The authors show to what extent the Public Prosecutor’s Office makes use of these processes. The level of training and education and the ‘hands on’ mentality of the average Public Prosecutor build a firm foundation for reliability. Reflection and to what extent knowledge is shared seem liable for improvement. Adapting (elements of) the HRO philosophy may prove an effective way to foster the actual exchange and use of knowledge within the Public Prosecutor’s Office and thus raise its reliability.

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