Justitiële verkenningen


Als de goudduivels langskomen

Overvallen op juweliers

Auteurs B. Rovers

B. Rovers
Dr. Ben Rovers is criminoloog/onderzoeker en eigenaar van onderzoeksbureau BTVO in Den Bosch. Hij bedankt Peter Schoevaars van het KLPD en John Wielinga van de Federatie Goud en Zilver voor de informatie die zij ten behoeve van dit artikel beschikbaar hebben gesteld.
  • Samenvatting

      In the last five years the number of armed robberies on jewelry stores in the Netherlands has increased again and reached an all-time high in 2010. In this article, recent developments are discussed. The absolute number of these robberies is not very large, but in terms of the chance of being robbed, jewelry stores belong to the most threatened in retail. In general, armed robberies on jewelry stores show a pattern very similar to robberies on other retail targets. About two third are hit-and-run robberies, committed by offenders who live nearby and are generally known to the police as repeat offenders. A smaller portion of these robberies is committed by offenders operating more professionally. In the last ten years there were no big changes in the way these crimes were committed. Contrary to other types of robbery this crime is often profitable. The size of the loot is relatively high. In recent years the price of gold has dramatically increased. This might be considered an independent risk factor. Nevertheless, it's too simple to assess the recent increase of armed robberies on jewelry stores as a direct consequence of this development.

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