Justitiële verkenningen


Kwetsbaarheid voor georganiseerde criminaliteit

Een voor preventie bruikbaar concept?

Auteurs T. Vander Beken

T. Vander Beken
Prof. dr. T. Vander Beken is als hoogleraar verbonden aan het Institute for International Research on Criminal Policy (IRCP) van de Universiteit Gent.
  • Samenvatting

      This article describes the development of abstract, theoretic vulnerability analysis vis à vis organised crime towards more empirical approaches which take the actual situation in economic sectors as a starting point. Also it incorporates the way workers on the shop floor view vulnerability. The author gathered these data during research among transport and catering companies. He argues that vulnerability should not only be understood in the traditional way (a feeble defense against potential harm/damage/infiltration) but also in terms of resilience. If - despite prevention measures - a company becomes a victim of - and/or is infiltrated by organised crime, the degree of resilience decides whether the company survives or not. Examples are given of factors contributing and undermining resilience.

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