Justitiële verkenningen


Wat is er met de doodstraf gebeurd?

Auteurs D. Garland

D. Garland
Prof. David Garland is als hoogleraar recht en hoogleraar sociologie verbonden aan de New York University School of Law. Dit is de uit het Engels vertaalde en herziene versie van een lezing die hij op 28 oktober 2010 in Maastricht hield ter gelegenheid van de conferentie De doodstraf voorbij. Voor de lezing is gebruikgemaakt van zijn recent verschenen boek Peculiar institution: America's death penalty in an age of abolition (Harvard University Press, 2010). Volledige citaten en steunbewijs voor deze voordracht zijn te vinden in het notenapparaat achter in het boek.
  • Samenvatting

      This essay charts the changing status of the death penalty in western societies, from a cultural universal three hundred years ago to a prohibited penalty today, and offers a sociological explanation for that great transformation. The ability to impose the penalty of death is an elementary particle of state power. That power was frequently and spectacularly deployed in early modern Europe as states asserted a monopoly on legitimate violence and absolutist rulers deployed force to subdue their enemies. Once states consolidated their infrastructural power, the ostentatious killing of subjects became less necessary. As liberal politics limited the legitimate use of state violence and established legal protections for individuals, and as cultural change softened state power, the death penalty became increasingly problematic. The character of state power, and the balance between liberalism and democracy, civilized refinement and humanitarian sensibility, explains the pace and extent of death penalty change in specific western nations.

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