Justitiële verkenningen


Amsterdam Noord: van sociale naar ruimtelijke maakbaarheid

Auteurs M. Oudenampsen

M. Oudenampsen
Drs. Merijn Oudenampsen is freelance onderzoeker. Hij studeerde politicologie en sociologie en was tot 2009 als onderzoeker verbonden aan de Jan van Eijck Academie in Maastricht. Hij werkt op het moment aan een boek over populisme en symboolpolitiek.
  • Samenvatting

      The question of social engineering is an important aspect of debates on security: up to what point can undesired behavior be corrected, prevented or diminished? To what extent is human behavior malleable? This article is a reflection on the development of social engineering, through the lense of the developments in the north of Amsterdam. It is an area that can be seen as a laboratory, a testing ground for the social democratic dream to create a new man, by uplifting and disciplining the urban poor. The central thesis is that the present redevelopment of Amsterdam Noord is predicated upon a shift in governmental strategy: from social engineering to spatial engineering. Location is arguably no longer used to uplift the population, presently the social composition of the population is being changed to uplift the location.

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