Justitiële verkenningen


De architect heeft het gedaan!

De rol van stedenbouw, architectuur en stadsbestuur in de rellen in de Franse voorsteden van 2005

Auteurs W. Vanstiphout

W. Vanstiphout
Prof. dr. Wouter Vanstiphout is lid van Crimson Architectural Historians. Met Crimson houdt hij zich sinds 1994 bezig met stedenbouwkundig onderzoek, ontwerp, het maken van tentoonstellingen en het schrijven en redigeren van boeken. Hij is tevens hoog leraar Ontwerp & Politiek aan de Faculteit Bouwkunde van de Technische Universiteit Delft.
  • Samenvatting

      Is the design of a city a decisive factor in the development of violent behavior by its inhabitants? The discussion following the 2005 riots in the French suburbs shows that many blame the concept of La Ville Radieuse and its most famous founding father, the architect Le Corbusier, for the social degeneration of the banlieues. For some critics, like the British author Theodore Dalrymple, this ‘totalitarian’ architecture symbolizes the evil of the welfare state with its social security, mass immigration, egalitarism and its elites with their blindness for the threat to the western Enlightenment values coming from these ‘black’ suburbs. However, the truth of urban development is that cities are fundamentally unpredictable. After several generations a building will be used in a completely different way than perceived, by people whose existence one wasn't aware of and in a social context one couldn't have predicted. This ‘natural’ development is labeled as the failure of a project, often leading to a policy of repression and demolition. However, local politicians, project developers and architects should realize that it's not their actions that determine the development of cities, but the way the inhabitants use and interpret their environment. They create their own city. Instead of replacing the inhabitants by demolishing their houses, we probably have no other choice than getting to know these quarters better and renovate these together with and for the local inhabitants.

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