Justitiële verkenningen


De rule of law-opbouwmissie in Kosovo

Auteurs A. Bouten

A. Bouten
Mr. Agaath Bouten (EULEX advisor to the KJC/beleidsadviseur Parket-Generaal) schreef dit artikel in samenspraak met mr. Jenny Schokkenbroek (EULEX Judge on District Court Level Pristina/kantonrechter Rechtbank Haarlem) en mr. Johannes van Vreeswijk (EULEX acting Chief Prosecutor/officier van Justitie te Den Bosch).
  • Samenvatting

      This article gives an overview of the UNMIK and especially the EULEX mission in Kosovo thereby concentrating on the judiciary. The current state of the judiciary and its organisation are analysed as well as the main starting points and goals of the mission. From her own experience the author describes the cooperation between EULEX workers and local partners and the influence of cultural differences.

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