Justitiële verkenningen


De burgemeester als veiligheidsbaas

Auteurs H.J.B. Sackers

H.J.B. Sackers
Prof. mr. Henny Sackers is als hoogleraar bestuurlijk sanctierecht verbonden aan de Radboud Universiteit Nijmegen. Delen van deze tekst zijn gebaseerd op zijn inaugurele rede (Sackers, 2010).
  • Samenvatting

      Offenders of the law used to be sentenced by the criminal courts of justice. However, the Dutch Government is striving for better and more efficient law enforcement, and is increasingly delegating this enforcement to local authorities, especially to the mayor's level. For example, to maintain order, not only does the mayor decide on camera surveillance, preventative body search, restraining orders and curfews; he/she is now also allowed to shut down houses and evict people from their homes. New laws are in the making to delegate even more power to local authorities. The question arises whether the position of mayor can and should include the Sheriff Star. After all, he/she is politically accountable, plus it would take Superman to take on this new role as upholder of justice. Meanwhile, legal protection is in a sorry state, and citizens rarely take advantage of their legal protection rights. Adequate judicial control is lacking, and whether orders given out by the mayor based on the new responsibilities actually comply with the European Treaty of Human Rights is something that remains to be seen.

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