Justitiële verkenningen


Kwaliteitszorg voor rechtspraak

Auteurs Ph.M. Langbroek

Ph.M. Langbroek
Prof. mr. dr. Philip Langbroek is als hoogleraar rechtspleging en rechterlijke organisatie verbonden aan het Departement Rechtsgeleerdheid van de Universiteit Utrecht.
  • Samenvatting

      Quality of organization and quality management are different concepts. The CEPEJ report on efficiency and quality of justice refers to a state of affairs. Quality management is a set of planned, reactive and proactive actions to enhance organisation development in order to improve the functioning of an organisation. Based on case studies on quality management in several COE member states, a distinction is suggested between various levels of involvement of a ministry of justice or a council for the judiciary in quality management in the courts and/or the court administration. A restricted comparative analyses suggests that cooperation between courts and a ministry of justice is based on mutual trust, where the ministry of justice does hardly interfere. In most countries, however, interactions between the court organisations and the ministry of justice to enhance quality management are coordinated at the central level.

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