Justitiële verkenningen


ICT verandert de rechtspraak

Auteurs A.D. Reiling

A.D. Reiling
Mr. Dory Reiling is als vicepresident verbonden aan de Rechtbank Amsterdam. Zij is bezig met de afronding van haar proefschrift Technology for justice, how information technology supports judicial reform.
  • Samenvatting

      This article compares ICT in European judicial systems based on the 2008 CEPEJ report on efficiency and quality of justice. It ends by discussing whether ICT is changing the administration of justice. Office automation, jurisprudence databases, e-mail and internet access for judges and clerks have been implemented in most courts in Europe. Case registration systems were less widely introduced, and case and court management systems even less. The forerunners among the judicial systems are ahead when it comes to digital access and external communication. The inaccuracy of the CEPEJ report makes drawing more detailed conclusions problematic. Some observations from other sources show that managing and developing ICT can be difficult for judiciaries. ICT's potential is in enhancing timeliness, access, consistency and public trust. Increased public scrutiny and the availability of information engender predictability. However, judging ultimately involves resolving issues whose outcome is unpredictable.

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