Justitiële verkenningen


Verantwoording van rechtspraak richting burger

Auteurs M. Barendrecht

M. Barendrecht
Prof. mr. dr. Maurits Barendrecht is als hoogleraar privaatrecht verbonden aan de Universiteit van Tilburg.
  • Samenvatting

      This article focuses on the growing need internationally for accountability of the administration of justice. The CEPEJ report European judicial systems compares the judiciary in the member states of the Council of Europe showing how this justification takes place. Accounting for the administration of justice still involves a lot of attention for the input and the procedures, while accountability for the results is most important. New methods for measuring the experiences of users of the administration of justice are developing. This fits a trend in which hierarchic and internal accountability, for instance through appeal procedures, are becoming less important in favour of horizontal accountability towards stakeholders, colleagues and users of state services.

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