European Employment Law Cases


2023/10 Annual leave of a school director: impossibility to schedule own leave cannot imply lapse of that right (RO)

Trefwoorden Paid Leave
Auteurs Andreea Suciu en Teodora Manaila

Andreea Suciu
Andreea is Managing Partner of Suciu I The Employment Law Firm

Teodora Manaila
Teodora is an attorney-at-law at Suciu I The Employment Law Firm, Bucharest, Romania.
  • Samenvatting

      A school director could not take annual leave without affecting the annual leave rights of her colleagues. As no solution was offered by the employer, the Iaşi Court of Appeal found that the school director could not be considered to have abstained from her right to annual leave. In the absence of effective conditions and real possibilities for the employee to actually benefit from the right to leave, the Court awarded the school director compensation for untaken leave.

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