European Employment Law Cases


2023/8 Mandatory training: free of cost? (NL)

Trefwoorden Terms of employment
Auteurs Yente Bijloo en Daniëlle Quist

Yente Bijloo
Yente Bijloo is an associate at Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh Advocaten.

Daniëlle Quist
Daniëlle Quist is an associate at Windt Le Grand Leeuwenburgh Advocaten.
  • Samenvatting

      This is the first judgment in the Netherlands regarding training costs and repayment arrangements since implementation of Directive 2019/1152/EU on transparent and predictable working conditions in the European Union (the ‘Directive’). The subdistrict court ruled that the training did not qualify as mandatory training, in light of the employee’s position and the agreements that were made. According to the subdistrict court, the repayment arrangements were legally valid: the employee was obligated to repay the training costs.

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