European Employment Law Cases

ECJ Court Watch

ECJ 13 October 2022, case C-199/21 (Finanzamt Österreich), Social insurance

DN – v – Finanzamt Österreich, Austrian case

Trefwoorden Social insurance
  • Samenvatting

      According to the Court of Justice, a person in receipt of pensions in two Member States is entitled to family benefits in accordance with the legislation of those two Member States. When the receipt of such benefits in one of those Member States is precluded pursuant to the national legislation, the priority rules referred to in Article 68(1) and (2) of Regulation No 883/2004 do not apply. The Court further held that national legislation which allows the recovery of family benefits awarded, where the parent entitled to such benefits pursuant to that legislation has not applied for them, to the other parent, whose application has been taken into account, in accordance with that provision, by the competent institution, and who in fact bears the entire cost associated with the maintenance of the child, is precluded.

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