European Employment Law Cases


2021/28 Kalliri follow-up: Minimum height requirement for admission to police school found discriminatory (GR)

Trefwoorden Gender Discrimination
Auteurs Effie Mitsopoulou

Effie Mitsopoulou
Effie Mitsopoulou is an attorney-at-law at Effie Mitsopoulou Law Office.
  • Samenvatting

      Following up on the ECJ’s judgment in the Kalliri case, the Greek Council of State (Conseil d’État) held in a Plenary Session decision that a legal provision of Presidential Decree 90/2003 requiring that candidates for admission to the Greek Officers and Policemen School must be at least 1.70 m, independently of their sex, was indirectly discriminatory against female candidates. It based its decision on Directive 76/207/EEC as well as principles of the Greek constitution.

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