European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2020/8 Right of temporary workers to the same pay for the same work (LT)

Trefwoorden Temporary agency work, Other forms of discrimination
Auteurs Vida Petrylaitė

Vida Petrylaitė
Vida Petrylaitė is an associate professor at Vilnius University.
  • Samenvatting

      On 20 June 2019, Vilnius Regional Court in Lithuania (instance of appeal) delivered a decision in a case where the applicants claimed that a temporary employment agency, UAB Manpower Lit (the ‘Agency’), which recruited temporary workers (‘claimants’) for the European Institute for Gender Equality (‘EIGE’), paid them lower salaries than permanent staff. It was ruled that the Agency had discriminated against these workers by paying them lower salaries than they would have received if they had been recruited directly by EIGE. The Court also ordered the payment of pay arrears for a certain period to the temporary staff.

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