European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2019/47 Transfer of undertakings does not include temporary agency workers (AT)

Trefwoorden Transfer of undertakings, Transfer, Employees who transfer/refuse to transfer
Auteurs Thomas B. Pfalz

Thomas B. Pfalz
Thomas B. Pfalz is a Senior Scientist at the Institute for Law at the University of Klagenfurt.
  • Samenvatting

      In a series of rulings the Austrian Supreme Court has made it clear that temporary agency workers are transferred to the transferee only if they are assigned to the transferor on a permanent basis. According to the Court, the facts of the cases at hand are not comparable to those of the ECJ ruling in Albron Catering BV (C-242/09). Hence the temporary agency workers remain with their original employer. However, some aspects of the Court’s reasoning seem unclear if not contradictory with regard to other recent judgments.

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