European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2019/4 The Italian Jobs Act (Legislative Decree no. 23 of 2015) reforming the protection against unfair dismissal contrasts with the European Social Charter 1996 (IT)

Trefwoorden Dismissal, Unfair dismissal
Auteurs Andrea Pilati

Andrea Pilati
Andrea Pilati is an Associate Professor of Labour Law at the University of Verona, Italy.
  • Samenvatting

      On 8 November 2018 the Italian Constitutional Court prohibited the reform of the protection against unfair dismissal introduced by the so-called Jobs Act (Legislative Decree no. 23 of 4 March 2015), insofar as it imposed a requirement on the judge to quantify the compensation due for unfair dismissal based on an employee’s seniority only. According to the Court, such a requirement violated not just internal constitutional norms, but also Article 24 of the (Revised) European Social Charter of 1996. This contribution focuses particularly on the EU law questions deriving from such an important judgment.

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