European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2018/30 Harmonising terms of employment following a transfer is no simple matter (NL)

Trefwoorden Transfer, Employment terms
Auteurs Shamy Sripal

Shamy Sripal
Shamy Sripal works for the Department of Labour Law of Erasmus School of Law.
  • Samenvatting

      The transferee in this case attempted to replace the transferred employees’ salaries with lower in accordance with its collective agreement, compensating for the reduction by means of a ‘personal allowance’, which it then proceeded to reduce by a set percentage based on the age of the employees each time there was a wage increase. The court held that this ‘basket comparison’ method of harmonising the wages of old and new staff was at odds with Directive 2001/23, rejecting the transferee’s argument that the ‘ETO’ provision in that directive permits such an amendment of the terms of employment.

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