European Employment Law Cases

ECJ Court Watch

ECJ 19 October 2017, case C-200/16 (Securitas), Transfer of undertaking, Transfer

Securitas-Serviços e Tecnologia de Segurança SA – v – ICTS Portugal – Consultadoria de Aviação Comercial SA and Others, Portuguese case

Trefwoorden Transfer of undertaking, Transfer
  • Samenvatting

      If a company terminates its contract with one business for the provision of security guard services at its facilities and then makes a new contract for the supply of the same services with another business – but that second business refuses to take on the employees of the first – the situation may be an transfer of an undertaking if the equipment essential to the performance of those services has been taken over by the second business. Further, under the Acquired Rights Directive Member States must ensure that if a business loses a service contract to another operator, this can be treated as a transfer.

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