European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2017/43 Mobility of employees and entitlement to annual leave (AU)

Trefwoorden Nationality discrimination
Auteurs Peter C. Schöffmann en Andreas Tinhofer

Peter C. Schöffmann
Peter C. Schöffmann is an associate at MOSATI Rechtsanwälte (

Andreas Tinhofer
Andreas Tinhofer is a partner at MOSATI Rechtsanwälte (
  • Samenvatting

      Under Austrian law employees are entitled to more annual leave if they have worked for at least 25 years for the same employer. Employment with other employers is taken into account, but not for more than a total of five years. The ECJ will have to decide whether this limitation complies with EU law or whether it unlawfully restricts the freedom of movement of employees.

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