European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2017/32 An employer cannot request the invalidation of an employee’s employment contract termination notice in court: any other interpretation would be contrary to the prohibition of forced labour (LA)

Trefwoorden Dismissal
Auteurs Andis Burkevics

Andis Burkevics
Andis Burkevics is a senior associate with the Latvian office of law firm SORAINEN (
  • Samenvatting

      Under the Latvian Labour Law an employee has the right to terminate an employment contract with immediate effect, i.e. without complying with the statutory notice period of one month, if the employee has ‘good cause’. Under the Labour Law, ‘good cause’ is any situation, which, based on considerations of morality and fairness, would not allow for the employment to continue. If an employee terminates their employment contract for good cause the employer must pay severance to the employee based on the employee’s years of service with the employer and amounting to between one and four months’ average earnings. If the employee gives notice for good cause, this terminates the employment contract with immediate effect.
      Even if the employer disagrees with the reasons given in the termination notice, the employer cannot terminate the employment contract on any other ground and does not have the right to challenge the validity of the notice in court. However, if the employer suffers loss as a result of the immediate termination; its reputation is damaged based on the reasons given in the notice; or it has faced some other adverse consequence; the employer can bring a claim arguing that what is stated in the notice is untrue.

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