European Employment Law Cases

ECtHR Court Watch

ECtHR 28 March 2017, application no. 51706/11, Freedom of expression

Marunic – v – Croatia, Croatian case

Trefwoorden Freedom of expression
  • Samenvatting

      The employer had summarily dismissed the director of the company, on the basis that it had the right to protect its reputation and business interests against the criticisms she made in the media. What it failed to take into account was that she was simply responding to earlier criticisms by the employer in the media of her leadership. The expectation that the employee should not respond in the media would overstretch the employees’ duty of loyalty, contrary to Article 10 of the Convention – whereby the right to freedom of expression would protect against unreasonable demands of loyalty by the employer. On the facts, what the employee did was legitimate and within her right to freedom of expression.

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