European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2017/20 Data gathered by GPS as a basis for disciplinary dismissal (PT)

Trefwoorden Privacy
Auteurs Maria de Lancastre Valente en Mariana Azevedo Mendes

Maria de Lancastre Valente

Mariana Azevedo Mendes
Maria de Lancastre Valente and Mariana Azevedo Mendes are respectively a Managing Associate and a Trainee Associate at SRS Advogados, Portugal;
  • Samenvatting

      Distance-related data gathered by GPS and data reported manually by the employee (a sales representative at a pharmaceutical company) are valid and admissible sources of evidence in the context of a disciplinary dismissal procedure. This decision is innovative in that it contradicts the usual view of the Supreme Court of Justice on the scope of ‘distance-controlled supervision’ for the purposes of assessment of employee conduct.

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