European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2017/10 Uber drivers found to be workers (UK)

Trefwoorden Employment Tribunal
Auteurs Bethan Carney

Bethan Carney
Bethan Carney is a lawyer at Lewis Silkin LLP:
  • Samenvatting

      In a much publicised case, Uber drivers have won a first instance employment tribunal finding that they are ‘workers’ and not self-employed contractors. This decision means that they are entitled to basic protections, such as the national minimum wage, paid holiday (under the Working Time Directive) and protection against detriment for ‘blowing the whistle’ on wrong doing. The decision could have substantial financial consequences for Uber, which has around 40,000 drivers in the UK but Uber has already confirmed that it will appeal the decision, so we are unlikely to have a final determination on this question for some time.

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