European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2016/53 Landmark decision by Austrian Supreme Court: Face veil ban for employees is lawful (AT)

Trefwoorden Religion
Auteurs Hans Georg Laimer en Lukas Wieser

Hans Georg Laimer
Hans Georg Laimer is a partner at Rechtsanwälte GmbH.

Lukas Wieser
Lukas Wieser is an attorney at law at Rechtsanwälte GmbH.
  • Samenvatting

      The Austrian Supreme Court has ruled that the general prohibition of Muslim face veils by an employer does not constitute unlawful discrimination. In this landmark decision, Austria’s Supreme Court expresses the view that an uncovered face is a prerequisite to proper communication. Thus, termination of employment by reason of an employee’s refusal to come to work unless she can wear a face veil is not unlawful under the Austrian Equal Treatment Act. Whether this rule also applies to other religious clothing such as headscarves remains to be seen.

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