European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2016/33 Supreme Court clarifies rules on redundancy selection methods (NO)

Trefwoorden Redundancy selection
Auteurs Tore Lerheim en Ole Kristian Olsby

Tore Lerheim
Tore Lerheim and Ole Kristian Olsby are partners with Homble Olsby advokatfirma in Oslo,

Ole Kristian Olsby
  • Samenvatting

      The basic rule in Norwegian law is that an employer planning to reduce headcount must apply the rules for selecting those to be dismissed (based on seniority, qualifications, personal circumstances, etc.) to the entire workforce within the relevant legal entity. However, there are circumstances under which the employer may limit the pool of employees within which to apply those rules. In this case, the employer was justified in limiting that pool to one employee, thereby avoiding the need to make a selection.

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