European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2016/32 Window sticker sufficient to allow evidence collected by surveillance camera (SP)

Auteurs Sonia Cortes

Sonia Cortes
Sonia Cortes is a partner with Abdón Pedrajas & Molero in Barcelona, Special thanks to Isabel Ruano and Carla Baussa for their help in preparing this case report.
  • Samenvatting

      A decision issued by the Constitutional Court on 3 March 2016 upholds a High Court decision on whether evidence obtained through video surveillance at the work place without previously informing the employee or the works council of the recording infringes employees’ privacy. The existence of cameras in the workplace was only made known via a sticker on the shop window, but the Constitutional Court found that it provided sufficient information to employees. The Court found that, as there was a prior suspicion of theft by the employee, temporary recording of the cashier area was lawful and did not require prior consent. The judgment sets out the criteria to be used to determine a fair balance between the competing interests of employee privacy and the employer’s right to compliance.

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