European Employment Law Cases

Case Reports

2016/17 Court order for reinstatement not satisfied by placing employee on garden leave (LI)

Trefwoorden dismissal, suspension
Auteurs Inga Klimašauskiené

Inga Klimašauskiené
Inga Klimašauskiené is a Senior Associate at GLIMSTEDT in Vilnius,
  • Samenvatting

      An employer was ordered to reinstate an employee they had wrongly dismissed. The employer reinstated him, putting him back on the payroll, but simultaneously placed him on involuntary garden leave. The employee sought and got a second court order that this was not real reinstatement. The employer was ordered to allow the employee to return to the office and perform his habitual work there on pain of a penalty of € 100 for each day of non-compliance. The employer challenged this penalty, but without success.

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